About This Project

; Exploring the Dungeons of Avalon, a disassembly project

Exploring the Dungeons of Avalon is a project to disassemble and analyze the executable and data files of the 1991 Commodore Amiga roleplaying game Dungeons of Avalon, and its 1992 sequel Dungeons of Avalon II: The Island of Darkness.

It also intends to research the mysterious origins of the game’s publication and translation into English.

It follows a similar project, Exploring K240, which performed an analysis of the 1994 space sim K240.

What can we learn?

This project primarily intends to discover the following:

  1. Can Dungeons of Avalon 1 be completed?
  2. What are the game’s mechanics?
  3. What is the complete game map?
  4. When was the game released and translated into English?


This site was started on 3 June 2019.

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