Intro to 68k assembly language

; Tetracorp video game disassembly and analysis

The following is a brief summary of 68000 assembly language. I’m not an expert at 68k assembly myself, but I felt a need for a simple guide explaining the basics to people learning the language for the first time, who may be baffled by the highly technical language used by some documents on the topic. A further reading list appears at the end of the article who wish to learn in more detail.

  1. Introduction
  2. Your programming environment
  3. The CPU
  4. Addresses and labels
  5. Instructions
    1. ADD
    2. ADDA
    3. ADDI
    4. ADDQ
    5. AND
    6. ANDI
    7. ASL
    8. ASR
    9. Bcc
    10. BRA
    11. BSR
    12. CLR
    13. CMP
    14. CMPA
    15. CMPI
    16. DBcc
    17. DIVS
    18. DIVU
    19. JMP
    20. JSR
    21. LEA
    22. MOVE
    23. MOVEA
    24. MOVEQ
    25. MULS
    26. MULU
    27. NEG
    28. NOP
    29. OR
    30. ORI
    31. RTS
    32. Scc
    33. SUB
    34. SUBA
    35. SUBI
    36. SUBQ
    37. TST
  6. Further reading


According to The Art of War, all warfare is based on deception. When our forces are weaker than the enemy, we must make him think we are stronger (so that he will not attack us); when we are stronger, we must make him think we are weaker (so that he underestimates us), and so on. By these means, the enemy’s plans will be predicated on inaccurate information, leading to incorrect deductions, resulting in his failure.

All programming is based on truth. The smallest possible unit of a computer’s memory is the bit, which has only two possible states: 1 (meaning true), and 0 (meaning false). If we set a bit to 1, it remains 1 until we set it to 0; if we set it to 0, it remains 0 until we set it to 1.

All data which can be stored in a computer’s memory is ultimately composed of bits. Traditionally, they are arranged into groups of eight bits, known as bytes. Each byte can therefore contain any one of 28 different combinations, or 256 possible values, such as a number between 0 and 255. Bytes, or combinations of bytes, represent all data which can be stored in a computer’s memory.

Computer programs are comprised of instructions, which are also represented as bytes. Each instruction used by the 68000 CPU consists of at least two bytes, and is represented by a text-based syntax known as assembly language, which is converted into 68000 bytecode with software known as an assembler.

Your programming environment

Most people learning 68000 assembly nowadays do so for one of two reasons.

If you have to learn it for a university class, you have probably been assigned a 68k simulator tool such as EASy68K or BSVC. Use that and follow the documentation for those tools.

If not, it’s probably because you want to program for a computer system which used the 68000-series CPU, or analyze code written for such a system. Usually, that means games for the Commodore Amiga, Sega Mega Drive/Genesis, Atari ST, or another computer of the 1980s to mid-1990s era. Reaktor’s Crash course to Amiga assembly programming describes configuring an Amiga emulator with a development environment for vasm, an up-to-date assembler.


The 68000 CPU has seven data registers, referred to as D0 to D7, each of which can be used to store a 32-bit value; i.e. four bytes.

It also has seven address registers, A0 to A7, which also store 32-bit values, except that these are for storing the addresses of locations in memory. A7 is also referred to as SP, the Stack Pointer.

There is the program counter, PC, which stores the address of the current instruction being executed; essentially, the location of the current line of the program in memory.

Finally, there is the condition code register (CCR), which contains five bits used as “flags” to represent “condition codes”, or important information about the last instruction which executed. Each is “set” (i.e. set to 1) if certain conditions are met; otherwise, set to 0:

Negative. Set if the result of the last calculation is negative, meaning specifically that the most significant bit (i.e. leftmost bit) is set to 1. For example, if a byte is 0000 0000 (i.e. decimal value of 0) and you subtract one, it will set the byte to 1111 1111 (i.e. 255 or -1) and set the N flag.
Zero. Set if the result is zero.
Overflow. Set if the result is too big to fit in the value; e.g. trying to store a number larger than 255 in a byte.

Addresses and labels

Each byte of memory is referred to by a numeric location, known as its address. The very first byte in memory is referred to by the address $0000 0000, the second is $0000 0001, and so on.

Any line in a program can be prefixed with a label, which can be used throughout the program as a convenient synonym for that location in memory. This works much like variable names in high-level langauges. For example:

    ADDQ.L  #1,SCORE
    DC.L    $00000000


There are many instructions, of which the most common and important are detailed below. Once you get the hang of these, it should be easy to look up any unfamiliar codes in various sources of documentation (see “further reading”).

Many instructions are suffixed with a size, determining how much data they operate on. For a standard 68000 CPU, this can be .B (byte), .W (word, meaning two bytes) or .L (long, meaning four bytes). You may also see .S (short), also meaning one byte.

Instructions can also be written in lowercase, and are typically indented with one tab.


Add two numbers. One value is a data register; the other can be a memory location or a register. It takes the numbers from each location, adds them, and stores them in the second location.

For example, to add the value currently in data register D1 to the four-byte value referred to by the label SCORE:

    ADD.L   D1,SCORE

Or, to add SCORE to data register D1:

    ADD.L   SCORE,D1

Or, add two registers:

    ADD.L   D0,D1

Or add to the number stored in an address register:

    ADD.L   D0,(A1)

Or do the same and increment the address register by the operand size afterward:

   ADD.L    D0,(A1)+

Or refer to the address by an offset, such as to add D0 to the value held ten bytes after the address held in A1:

    ADD.L   D0,(10,A1)


Like ADD or ADDI, but the second value is an address register.

    ADDA.L  D1,A1
    ADDA.L  #$00000140,A1


“Add immediate”. Like ADD, but adds a raw number, rather than taking the number given in a memory location. Note that the prefix “#” refers to a decimal number, while the prefix “#$” refers to a hexadecimal number. For example, suppose you want to add 100 to “SCORE”, and add 1 to D0:

    ADDI.L  #100,SCORE
    ADDI.L  #1,D0


“Add quick”. Like ADDI, but only adds a number from 1 to 8. The advantage is that it’s faster. Useful for things like incrementing by one. For example, to add 10 the memory address A0 in two steps:

    ADDQ.L  #8,A0
    ADDQ.L  #2,A0


Performs a logical AND operation on the two values, and stores it in the second value. An AND operation compares each bit and sets the resulting bit to 1 if both bits are true; otherwise, sets the bit to 0. Useful if you’re working on bit-based data; e.g. to save memory, some games would store multiple pieces of true/false data as individual bits, and computer graphics code also uses this. Like with ADD, either value can be a register or an address.

The Python equivalent is the & operator.


Like AND, but give an immediate value.


Arithmetic shift left. Essentially multiplies the value by 2n. The first value is the number of times shifted, and the second is a data register. The Python equivalent is <<. For example, to multiply the value in D0 by 24 (16), equivalent to D0 « 4:

    ASL.W  #4,D0


Arithmetic shift right. Like ASL but essentially divides by 2n, discarding remainders. Equivalent to Python >> operator. For example, quickly divide by two:

    ASR.W  #1,D0


Branch based on condition code (“cc”). An important instruction which fulfils the function of things like “if” statements in high-level languages. The “cc” is replaced with a two-letter condition code. It checks if the specified condition code is true, and skips ahead to the specified address if it is true, otherwise, it continues as normal.

For example, this code tests if D0 and D1 are equal (the CMP instruction), which will set the Z flag if true. BEQ checks for the Z flag. If set, the program skips to _CORRECT. Otherwise, it continues from the ADDQ line.

    CMP.L   D0,D1
    ADDQ.L  #1,D0

The main forms of this instruction:

Branch if equal to zero (Z set). Often used in conjunction with TST or CMP. BEQ can also be thought of as “branch if equal”, since for example CMP.L D0,D1 will set Z if both are equal, thus causing a subsequent BEQ to branch.
Branch if not equal (Z unset). Inverse of BEQ.
Branch if minus (N set).
Branch if positive (N unset). Zero counts as positive.
Branch if greater than zero.
Branch if less than zero.
Branch if greater than or equal to zero.
Branch if less than or equal to zero.


Unconditional branch. Like Bcc but always branches regardless of condition codes.


Branch Subroutine. Adds to the address of the next instruction to the stack, then branches. The main use of this is that when the program next encounters a RTS (return) instruction, it returns to pick up where it left off.

    MOVE.B  #100,D0
    BSR.W   _RandInt  ; a subroutine defined elsewhere
; program continues here after running _RandInt
    BEQ.L   _Explode


Clear. Sets the specified value to zero.

    CLR.L  D0

For efficiency reasons, you will sometimes see alternative means used to clear a register or address, such as subtracting it from itself or MOVEQ #0.


Compare. Subtracts the first value from the second value. However, it doesn’t store the result or change the values. It only sets the condition codes. The first parameter is a register or address, while the second parameter must be a data register. For example:

    CMP.L  D0,D1


CMP but the second value is an address.


CMP but the first value is an immediate value, i.e. a raw number.

    CMPI.L  #0,LIVES


Decrement and branch until the condition code is set or the counter reaches below zero. Fulfils a similar function to for loops or while loops in high-level languages.

The first parameter is a data register which holds the counter, and the second is an offset which it will branch to. Each time the instruction is executed, it decreases the counter by one. It then branches to the offset, unless either the condition code is set, or the counter has just been reduced to -1. The condition codes are the same as for Bcc, but often you see this as DBF or DBRA, which means the loop will continue until the counter reaches -1.

For example, this code will run _SpawnEnemy 4 times:

    MOVEQ  #3,D7
    BSR    _SpawnEnemy
    DBF    D7,_Loop

Note that whatever you set the counter to, it will run 1 time more than that number, since it runs through the section one time before it reaches the DBF. In the example above, it will run once with D7 equal to 3, 2, 1, then 0. Only


Division (signed).


Division (unsigned).


Jump. Like a branch, but takes an address rather than an 16-bit offset, allowing you to jump to code farther than 32 KB away. In practice, since you specify both addresses and offsets as labels when writing assembly, BRA and JMP appear to work the same way.


Jump Subroutine. Same as BSR.


Load Equivalent Address. Loads the address of the first value into the second value, which is an address register.

    LEA     SCORE,A1
    MOVE.L  (A1),D0
    DC.L    #$00000000  ; whatever the address of this is, it's loaded into A1


An important instruction to copy data from one register or address to another register or address.

    MOVE.L  D0,D1


MOVE but the second value is an address register.


Move Quick. Like MOVE, but the first value is an 8-bit number, and the second is a data register. Good for moving small numbers efficiently. The result is always a Long. Sometimes used as an alternative to CLR.

    MOVEQ.L  #0,D0


Multiply signed.


Multiply unsigned.


Get the negative version of the number by subtracting itself from zero. The value given is an address or data register.


No Operation. An instruction which does nothing. Useful when hex editing an executable where you need to delete some instructions but you have to keep everything else at the same address as usual. In hexadecimal, it’s written 4e71.


Like AND, but logical OR instruction. Takes two values in registers or addresses, ORs them together, and stores the result in the second value. OR compares both input values for each bit, and if either has a 1, the output has a 1, otherwise it’s a 0. Equivalent to the Python | operator.


OR Immediate. However, when you see this in a disassembly, it’s usually an error where data has been misidentified as code. This is because the bytes 0000 0000 disassemble to ORI.B #$00,D0.

    ORI.B  #$00,D0  ; 0: 00000000   ; usually incorrect
    DC.L   #$00000000               ; usually correct
    DS.L   1                        ; same


Return. Equivalent to a “return” in Python or other languages. Returns to where the last JSR or BSR left off.


Set byte to “true” if condition code is true, “false” otherwise. In this case, setting a byte to “true” means setting all its bits to a 1, which is also equivalent to 255 unsigned or -1 signed; false sets all bits to 0, meaning 0. The counterintuitive result, then is that true and false are -1 and 0 instead of 1 and 0.

You will often see this as ST or SF (set if true / set if false). ST always sets the byte to true, i.e. all bits set to 1. SF always sets the byte to false, or zero.

    SF  Lives


Subtract. Like ADD but for subtraction. Takes two values, either of which can be an address or data register. Subtracts the first number from the second number and stores the result in the second number.

    SUB.L  D0,D1  ; D1 = D1 - D0

A trick to set a value to zero is to subtract it from itself:

    SUB.L  D0,D0


SUB but the second value is an address.


SUB but the first value is an immediate number.

   SUBI.L   #1,LIVES   ; lose 1 life


SUBQ (Subtract Quick) is like SUBI but only subtracts a number from 1 to 8, so it’s slightly faster.


Test. Compare a value with zero and set the condition codes accordingly (N if negative, Z if zero). Mainly used in conjunction with BEQ or BNE to branch depending on whether the byte is zero, i.e. false.

    MOVEQ  #0,D0
    TST.B  D0
    BEQ.S   _Zero   ; this branch will always be taken

Further reading

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