File formats

; Exploring K240, a disassembly project

The following structure describes the file formats used by K240. It describes what is in each of the game’s files and how they are structured.

The process of documenting the game’s file formats is incomplete and ongoing.

  1. k240_1:data1.bin, data2.bin, data3.bin
  2. k240_1:idfile
  3. k240_1:intro
  4. k240_1:s/startup-sequence
  5. k240_2:aliens/a1data1 - a6data1
  6. k240_2:aliens/a1data2 - a6data2
  7. k240_2:aliens/a1data3 - a6data3
  8. k240_2:aliens/a1data4.bin - a6data4.bin
  9. k240_2:english.mgl, french.mgl, german.mgl
  10. k240_2:hologram.mgl, lang.mgl, tetra.mgl
  11. k240_2:idfile
  12. k240_2:playk240
  13. k240_2:s/startup-sequence
  14. k240_2:scenario/*.mgl
  16. k240_3:Install-k240,
  17. k240_3:Installer
  18. k240_3:checksum
  19. k240_3:k240
  20. k240_3:k240.inf
  21. k240_3:*.mgl
  22. k240_3:shop1.mgl - shop6.mgl
  23. k240_3:speech/*.mgl
  24. Save game format

k240_1:data1.bin, data2.bin, data3.bin

Graphics and audio data read by the intro executable. They are compressed with CrunchMania, although this has been obfuscated by replacing the first four bytes (normally “CrM!” to denote a CrunchMania-packed file) with four spaces (“ “). Extracted versions have been placed in the directory intro_unpacked.

Filename Size Unpacked
data1.bin 217,326 266,744
data2.bin 224,060 291,802
data3.bin 377,074 417,270
TOTAL 818,460 975,816


An ASCII text file consisting of the text “Hard disk ID file”.


Intro sequence executable for K240. Only 20,720 bytes.


Typical Amiga startup-sequence which loads the intro, then runs the game from disk 2. You can ignore disk 1 entirely and boot from disk 2.

k240_1:intro >nil: <nil:
k240_2:playk240 >nil: <nil:

k240_2:aliens/a1data1 - a6data1

Always 610 bytes. Sprite metadata table, consisting of 61 entries of 10 bytes each. Each sprite entry has the following format:

Size Data
4 bytes Offset of start of data
4 bytes Offset of end of data
2 bytes Sprite height

The 61 records are divided into four sections:

Records Data
32 Eight directional sprites each for each of the four small ships
16 Eight sprites for both medium ships (Destructor/Terminator class)
2 Transporter and Fleet Battleship sprites
11 Missile silo launch animation.

Each of the six alien files relates to the equivalent alien in the list; e.g. a1data1 is the Kll-Kp-Qua, and a6data1 is the Swixarans.

k240_2:aliens/a1data2 - a6data2

Contains the ship and building animation sprite data referenced in a1data1. Stored as 16-color Amiga sprite format, with 4 bitplanes plus a fifth bitplane as a sprite mask. The remainder of the file is the sprite for the alien Orbital Space Dock.

Varies from 20,450 to 22,780 bytes.

k240_2:aliens/a1data3 - a6data3

Alien building sprite metadata and data. The first 400 bytes consist of 40 records of sprite data for 40 buildings. Buildings which do not apply to that alien have a sprite height of 1 and a dummy sprite of 10 bytes (1x16).

The remainder of the file consists of the sprite graphics referenced in the first part.

Varies from 4,240 to 8,450 bytes.

k240_2:aliens/a1data4.bin - a6data4.bin

Alien statistics. Always 1,928 bytes. The first 30 bytes appear to be stored as part of the save game file.

Type B Description
addr 4 Pointer to memory location. Begins at $0000 0768.
word 2 Alien ID number.
word 2 Days between placing buildings. Tylaran=70, Swixaran=50, others=60.
word 2 Build timer. Starts at 0 and increases +1 per day until it reaches the previous value, then resets to zero.
word 2 Scout frequency? Varies by alien from 30 to 130 days.
word 2 Colonization frequency. Varies 30-200 days.
word 2 Missile build frequency. Varies 25-35 days (0 for Tylarans).
word 2 Chance to ignore per-building softcap. Varies 10-25%.
word 2 Missile attack delay counter.
word 2 Missile attack delay counter.
word 2 Alien laser cannon (#5) damage. Varies 2-5.
word 2 Alien plasma cannon (#7) damage. Varies 4-7.
word 2 Alien photon cannon (#6) damage. Varies 6-11.
word 2 Sensor range for missiles.
word 2 Sensor range for fleets.
word 2 Turret cooldown. Varies 5-8 days.
byte 1 Bitfield for alien-specific things (bit 2 = Swixaran asteroid cloaked)
Bldg[40] 400 40 10-byte buildings as follows:
word (2) Name string
word (2) Description string (unused)
byte (1) Width
byte (1) Soft cap
byte (1) Build time (days)
byte (1) Height
byte (1) Intel type (0 General, 1 Defensive, 2 Offensive, 3 Power)
word[8][4] 64 Build clusters.
word[11] 22 Chance to build each missile.
byte[11] 11 Yield of each missile as it appears on Intel report. (0 Low, 1 Med, 2 High, 3 other, ff unused)
word[2][8] 32 Build chance and build time for ships.
ShipB[8] 192 8 24-byte ship stats as follows:
byte Armour
byte Speed
byte Hardpoints
byte Buildtime (ignored?)
4 bytes ore required (ignored for alien ships)
byte Ship ID
byte unknown
word Name (unused?)
word Cost (unused)
word Length (unused)
4 bytes unknown (unused?)
addr (4 bytes) extended data pointer.
unk ? Remainder currently unknown. Ship-related table, other alien data.

See the individual alien descriptions from the index the main page for the values which appear in each alien file.

k240_2:english.mgl, french.mgl, german.mgl

Text strings in each language, compressed in MGL format. Anyone creating an unofficial translation for the game would need to modify one of these, then find a way to re-pack it into MGL format. Alternatively, you could mod the game to bypass the MGL loader and use uncompressed language files.

The first 1,210 bytes of each when uncompressed consists of 605 two-byte word offsets for the beginning of each string in the file.

The rest of the file consists of 7-bit ASCII text strings, terminated by null bytes. Newlines are usually represented by LF only on Amiga, but in this file they are instead represented by 0xFF. The file ends with 00 0a. Non-English letters are represented by the following values:

Value Char
0x01 Ç
0x02 Ü
0x03 Ä
0x04 Ö
0xFF \n

See the data directory for the game strings.

k240_2:hologram.mgl, lang.mgl, tetra.mgl

IFF ILBM images, 320x200 pixels, compressed in MGL format.

Filename Content
hologram.mgl Background of alien selection screen
lang.mgl Language select screen at game start
tetra.mgl Load/save screen background image featuring a ship

See extracted images (MGL files) for the images.


An ASCII text file consisting of the text “Hard disk ID file”.

It’s not copied by the HD installer, so by checking for idfile the game can tell if it’s installed to hard disk or running from floppy disks. The main reason you might want to do this is to determine whether the game must save to floppy disk (in which case it saves to DF0: or to hard disk (in which case it saves to k240_2:, which is assigned to the HD install location).


Main game executable. The majority of this website is dedicated to analysis of this one file. There are two known versions (see differences between versions):

Version Build date/time Bytes
v1.886 20 May 1994 13:25 469,764
v2.000 7 June 1994 11:15 469,768


Typical Amiga startup-sequence. If you boot from disk 2 it will play the game without the intro.

    k240_2:playk240 >nil: <nil:


Amiga sprite data, compressed in MGL format. The files alienp1.mgl - alienp2.mgl contain the picture for that species. The files planet1.mgl - planet6.mgl contain the rotating image of each alien’s homeworld, stored as a series of 64x53 frames.

The file numbers do not map directly to each alien as one might expect. Rather, they apply as follows:

Num Alien Picture Planet
1 Kll-Kp-Qua alienp5.mgl planet3.mgl
2 Ore Eaters alienp3.mgl planet5.mgl
3 Ax’Zilanths alienp2.mgl planet1.mgl
4 Tylaran alienp6.mgl planet6.mgl
5 Rigellian alienp4.mgl planet4.mgl
6 Swixarans alienp1.mgl planet2.mgl

See extracted images (MGL files) for the images.

Amiga icon file.


K240 hard disk install script, written by Graeme Ing. Based on the Heroquest 2: Legacy of Sorasil HD installer script by Kevin Dudley. It won’t install unless you have at least 2,100,000 bytes free. The .info file is its icon, which launches it with the included Installer program.


Amiga hard disk Installer program v1.24 (1.9.92).


An Amiga executable which verifies files on the disks to a pre-calculated checksum.


A script to launch the game from from hard disk. It assigns all K240 disk volume labels to the current directory, plays the intro, then plays the game. You can skip the intro either by commenting out the intro line, or (undocumented feature) by holding the left mouse button while the game is loading. The actual game executable is called playk240.

; K240 Hard Disk Startup Sequence

ASSIGN "k240_1:" ""
ASSIGN "k240_2:" ""
ASSIGN "k240_3:" ""

k240_1:intro <nil: >nil:
k240_2:playk240 <nil: >nil:


Amiga icon for “k240”. Will be renamed to when copied.


IFF ILBM images, 320x200 pixels, compressed in MGL format.

Filename Content
outro1.mgl Victory screen
outro2.mgl Defeat screen
outro3.mgl Victory screen against Swixarans (unused)
satpic.mgl Intel screen background
scitek.mgl Sci-Tek screen background
wireplan.mgl Alien selection screen background

See extracted images (MGL files) for the images.

k240_3:shop1.mgl - shop6.mgl

Amiga sprite data compressed in MGL format. Each file contains six wireframe graphics for blueprints appearing on the Sci-Tek screen, except for shop6.mgl which has only four, since there are only 34 blueprints in total.

See extracted images (MGL files) for the images.


Speech audio files. Compressed in MGL format.

Filename Sound
ALERT.MGL “Alert, alert”
ASTDESC.MGL “Asteroid discovered”
ATTENTIO.MGL “Attention”
COLLISIO.MGL “Collision imminent”
CREPORT.MGL “Colonization report”
ENEMYVES.MGL “Enemy vessel detected” (unused)
EQUIPMAL.MGL “Equipment malfunction”
FARRIVE.MGL “Fleet arrived”
FDEPLOY.MGL “Fleet deployment detected”
FREPORT.MGL “Fleet report”
GREPORT.MGL “Geological report”
HOSFLT.MGL “Hostile fleet approaching”
INBOUND.MGL “Inbound missile”
MAGSTORM.MGL “Magnetic storm”
METEOR.MGL “Meteor storm”
MLAUNCH.MGL “Missile launch detected”
RADWARN.MGL “Radiation warning”
RESOURCE.MGL “Resource deficiency”
SCREPORT.MGL “Scout report”
SECREP.MGL “Security report”
welcome.mgl “Welcomt to Sci-Tek”

Save game format

Save games are stored in files k240.1, k240.2, k240.3, and k240.4. These are stored in DF0: if playing from floppy disk or k240_2: (nominally disk 2, but actually the game’s directory on the hard disk) if playing from hard disk.

For a full description, see save game format.

Eight chunks of the game’s memory are saved:

Offset Length Description
0 18 Save game name (16 bytes) and current alien ID (2 bytes).
18 30 Alien variables (a1data{1-6}.bin +4 bytes, for 30 bytes).
48 55,810 Miscellaneous game state: Transporter cargo, extracted buttons, asteroid maps (53,856 bytes for 24 asteroids at 34x33 words each), current money, Imperial transporter timer, asteroid hotkeys, comet locations, blueprints owned, date, numerous others.
55,858 37,800 Ships. 700 ships at 54 bytes per ship. “Ships” includes missiles, satellites, and Vortex storms.
93,658 33,600 Buildings. 14 bytes per building, 100 buildings per asteroid, 24 asteroids.
127,258 18,000 Asteroids. 24 asteroids at 750 bytes each.
145,258 1,920 Building totals. 24 asteroids, 80 buildings per asteroid (40 Terran, 40 alien)
147,178 2,336 Terran fleets.
149,514 2,336 Alien fleets.
  151,850 TOTAL

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