Income and ore prices

; Exploring K240, a disassembly project

Ore prices

Ore prices are recalculated on day 1 of every year. Each ore has a a random variance which is added to a fixed minimum price to calculate the current price.

Ore Start Minimum Variance Maximum
Selenium 50 20 5 x 0-19 115
Asteros 80 30 5 x 0-13 95
Barium 150 100 5 x 0-19 195
Crystalite 400 200 10 x 0-59 790
Quazinc 1,200 1,000 5 x 0-99 1,495
Bytanium 1,300 1,000 5 x 0-199 1,995
Korellium 2,300 2,000 10 x 0-149 3,490
Dragonium 3,500 3,000 10 x 0-199 4,990
Traxium 50,000 50,000 400 x 0-249 149,600
Nexos 150,000 100,000 1,600 x 0-249 498,400

Start value is recalculated at the beginning of the game, but appears in the game data and is included here for completeness.

An ore can have its price fixed by the Imperial Treasury for 2-5 years due to a random event. It remains at whatever its current value is and ignores the next 2-5 recalculation events.

Alternate income streams

You receive an undocumented income of 100 CR per day for each asteroid you own, plus 2 CR per day for each colonist. This becomes a vital source of income in late game.

Certain undocumented events grant valuable bonuses:

Many events grant useful bonuses:

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