PAFW and resource deficiency

; Exploring K240, a disassembly project

Power failure

If there is insufficient power to supply all buildings, they fail in a specific order until supply meets usage. All units of a building fail at the same time: if there is only enough power for nine out of ten Mines, all Mines fail.

Only certain buildings actually cease to function when affected by a power outage. Some fail partially, while others fail in an unexpected manner.

Order Building Power Fails?
1 Asteroid Engines 2-7 Yes
2 Ore Teleporter 1 No
3 Gravity Nullifier 0/4 Yes
4 Satellite Silo 0 No
5 Anti-Missile Pod 3 Yes
6 Seismic Penetrator 3 Yes
7 Security Centre 2 No
8 Deep Bore Mine 2 Yes
9 Mine 1 Yes
10 Weapons Factory 2 No
11 Construction Yard 2 Yes
12 Sensor Array 2 Yes
13 Laser Turret 2 Yes
14 Plasma Turret 3 Turret
15 Photon Turret 5 Turret
16 Medical Centre 1 Partial
17 Protected Storage Tower 4 Turret
18 Protected Resiblock 5 Turret
19 Repair Facility 0 Yes
20 Decontamination Filter 3 Yes
21 Screen Generator 7 Yes
22 Command Centre 3 No
23 Hydroponics 2 Yes
24 Hydration Plant 1 Yes
25 Life Support 2 Yes
26 Missile Silo 0 No
27 Landing Pad 0 No
28 Protected Env/Ctrl 3 Turret
29 Environment Control 0 No
30 Storage Tower 2 No
31 Protected Solar Matrix 0 Turret
32 Solar Matrix 0 N/A
33 Solar Generator 0 N/A
34 Solar Panel 0 N/A
35 Storage Facility 1 No
36 Power Store 0 N/A
37 Resiblock 2 No
38 Living Quarters 0 No
39 Powerplant 0 N/A
40 C.P.U. 0 No

Unexpected failure modes

When Gravity Nullifier switches off due to a power outage, it does not automatically switch itself back on when power is restored.

When Laser Turrets fail, all other turrets fail also. This includes the turrets of Protected buildings.

Medical Centres cannot treat radiation sickness in a power outage, but can still end a virus outbreak.

Repair Facility can still fail during a power outage even though it consumes no power.

If you have the Improved Sensors blueprint, your improved sensor range fails whenever Sensor Array would fail, even though Improved Sensors do not consume power.

Air, food and water shortages

Each colonist needs one unit of air, food and water per day. If production is insufficient, the remaining colonists consume from stored surplus, triggering a “resource deficiency” status and orange colour readout.

Red colour occurs when production is insufficient and there is no surplus, leaving the remaining colonists with no air/food/water. Those colonists are killed at the following rate each day:

Resource Affected colonists killed per day
Air Kills all affected colonists
Food Kills 1/10 of affected colonists, plus one
Water Kills 1/5 of affected colonists, plus one

Additionally, for each resource in the red, social unrest increases by +2 points per day.

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