Ripped graphics (internal)

; Exploring Knightmare, a disassembly project

The main game executable federation includes some graphics built in, rather than held in external files. They’re generally 1-bit or 2-bit graphics with no palette information, so the game can draw them with whichever palette it needs.

Each sprite is prefixed with four bytes, which communicate the number of frames in each image and the number of bitplanes used. They’re listed below by their location in the file.


Graphic at $14CDA


Graphic at $152CE

A water or magic effect or something.


Graphic at $158C2

A 16 x 16, 1-bit six-frame fade effect.


Graphic at $15986


Graphic at $15A8E


Graphic at $15B8E


Graphic at $15C92
Small explosion


Graphic at $15D96
A rock?


Graphic at $15E9A
A bird?


Graphic at $15F9E
Graphic at $15F9E
Special effect

A 1-bit 8 frame zooming animation.

$160A2, $16124

Graphic at $160A2 Graphic at $16124
Panel opening animation

A three-frame, 16 x 21 animation for slide-opening panels. The second image appears to be a graphic mask for the same efect.


Graphic at $161A6
Noise pattern

Originally used in Captive for monitors of offline devices.


Graphic at $1622A
Mouse pointer

The game’s mouse pointer, a 16 x 16 image with 4 bitplanes. For simplicity this image has been created from a screenshot in an emulator.


Graphic at $162AE

The main text font for the game, stored as 1-bit 8 x 8 graphics. The dots at the top row of each font are not shown, and are presumably included for spacing purposes. The “^” has been replaced with a “kg” symbol (same as Captive), which is used in the inventory screen. The characters “<=>” form an arrow piercing a skull, which are used to replace the name field of dead characters.


Graphic at $164BE

Identical to a graphic in Captive, according to The Ultimate Captive Guide. Its purpose is unknown.

See also: Ripped graphics (files)

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